What's God's Will for your life?

I have come across people struggling with the question about God's will for their lives. Are you not also one of them? Do you not wonder what God's will is for you? Of course, there are books out there that suggest steps to follow in order to know what God wants of you.
All these are wonderful ideas and good stuff, but there is a scripture I thought of sharing with you: 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18. It goes as follows: "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Three things here that should be apart of our everyday life: rejoice, give thanks and pray. The author ends saying that this is God's will. What do you think? This is it. It is all you need to do.
Notice that we do not have to rejoice depending on our mud or what's going on. No, we should rejoice always. Rejoice is related to welcome, enjoy and be glad. In other words, to rejoice is to accept life with joy as it comes and embraces every opportunity to live to the fullest of who we are.
In your everyday life, you should learn to be thankful for all that comes your way. The scripture tells us to be thankful in all circumstances.
Remember to always pray. Here Paul, the author of our today's scripture, suggests to pray without ceasing. So much of what goes on around you often prevents you from spending some time with God. It is God's will though that prayer time takes the top position of your to-do list for your daily life.
Friends, when you do this, you will then begin to see God in everything you do on a daily basis. You will begin to hear God's voice in a distinct manner about issues in your life.
Rejoice, pray and be thankful always!
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