A Life stamped with God's nature
No one has ever seen God face to face, and this makes it so hard to really know who God is and what does God look like. However, the Bible is our only source of information that gives us at least a glimpse of God is. The Old Testament has a compilation of stories that depict the different faces of this God. From a God who creates the cosmos to the one who destroys it because of its wickedness; from a God who rejects to the God who welcomes back, and so forth. However, the New Testament portrays God in a human form; Jesus, the Son of God.
The four gospels reveal the life of this extraordinary man. They tell us about the birth, the youth and later life of this wonder-making man. In addition to these books, there is an epistle, which was written to the Hebrews, and that talks also about Jesus. This will help get an idea of what God's nature is like.
In Hebrews1:1-4, we read that Jesus is the reflection of God's glory and the exact imprint of God's very being. This makes it clear that knowing Jesus means knowing God. Jesus, even himself said it to his disciples that if you see me, then you have seen the Father (John 14:6).
What comes later in the Scrpiture is what makes Jesus's life be stamped with God's nature.
- Jesus has loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Please read the gospels. You see how this was reflected in his ministry. He was not happy when things were bad. He denounced every single sin by its name. That was even the reason he was not welcomed among the religious leaders in his days. With love and grace, he comdemned people's wrongdoing, but welcomed everyone to him.
- Jesus has chosen the high risk taking path to save and redeem humanity. This man was so generous with his life. He accepted to give himself up for the sins of all humankind. it was a very dangerous path he was on, but for the love of the world, he chose to take it.
- Jesus gathered all around him as brothers and sisters. During his days of life here on earth, he embraced everyone from a leper to a gentile; from a tax collecter to a pharisee, and so forth. Everyone had a place around him.
- Jesus proclaimed God's goodness among his people. On his first public appearance, he began proclaiming God's word in his community. He clearly said it in Luke that God had anointed him to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor (Luke 4: 19).
Well, how is all this reflected in our lives today? Do we love righteousness to the point we can do anything to fight wickedness? What I mean hear is to the point where we can let what is precious to us for the sake of others?
Christianity should always be a high risk taking path we choose. This does not mean to scare anyone, but to say that it requires us to do things we may not be confortable of doing. Being stamped with God's nature means living like Jesus, which is to let the above points be mirrored in our lives. And it is only by doing so that the world will be able to see that we are Christians.
My prayer today is that we may all be the exact imprints of God's very Being in our communities and the world!