Thursday, March 4, 2010


When you hear about L-E-N-T what comes to your mind? As for me, when I look at this word, I think of the following: Level, Encourage, Number and Touch. Do you remember what John the Baptist’s message was? In Luke 3: 4, he says: “prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” That is what it means to Level. Lent is a time to make things right with God and our neighbors. It is time to forgive and be forgiven.

Lent is a time to Encourage and be encouraged. Remember that this whole season points out to Jesus. It is a season we should tell ourselves and others that there is and will always be hope for all of us through Jesus. He took our death penalty and died in our place. He rose from the dead to give us freedom and power over sin and death. That is the God we worship and serve. There is a reason why we should always be hopeful for all was accomplished on the cross.

The Psalter tells us about to learn how to Number our days (Psalm 90:12). Lent should also be a moment to look at the reality of who we are with Jesus and our neighbors. “There is no vitality without reality.” You should take time to look at what you think you have done for the Lord as you compare it with what God expects you to do for God’s kingdom. How would you assess your ministry and calling?

Lent is an opportunity to Touch and reach out to someone. Most of us think of Lent as a time of fasting. No matter how you look at fasting, but true fasting results in repairing the breach and restoring the streets to live in (Isaiah 58: 12). It takes us into mission and social justice advocacy. This season, find something you can do, a mission opportunity in which you can be involved this year. Or pick a few names of people at the hospital or those who are recovering, and pray for them. You can visit some of our home-bound members. There is so much you can do to touch and reach out to someone.

May we all be encouraged as we go through this season of Lent and get ready to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord on Easter!
Pastor Emmanuel T Naweji


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