Monday, December 28, 2009

The Place of the Church in Today's Society

What do you think the role of the church should be in our society? Well, looking at what is happening now, the church does not have much to do rather than providing regular Sunday and Christmas and Easter services, funerals and weddings.

Don't you feel like the church's influence is being pushed to the edge of our culture? Solutions to addiction problems, marriage crisis, parent and teens' relationship issues are all believed to be handled by experts that are found in public institutions.
Pastors and church leaders refer their members or people, who need help with the above,to these offices.

Well, is there anything from singing hymn to partaking at the Lord's table; from attending bible study to hearing the word and praying that can transform someone's life through the power of God? How does what Jesus says "you are the salt and light of the world" come into play in our lives as Christians? Is really the church changing people's habits and characters?

I wonder why we should call ourselves church if we are not able to play a role in today's society as far as change and transformation are concerned. If the life of people in our church do not improve, we should question how we do church.

The church should be the first place for every human being to think of going to when they are in need of spiritual and emotional and even physical help. We, as Christians, should arise and shine. The real peace, joy, hope and love, all humans long for, are only found in Jesus Christ. Friends, this is what we should bring to every living creature out there. That's our call and how we should play our role in today's society.

Be blessed and of courage!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas as a time for celebration

What does Christmas mean to you? When you approach Christmas, what comes first into your mind? Is it the cosiness and business of this season that drives you? For some, Christmas is about family reunions and gift exchanges. For others, it is just about shopping and buying stuff at greater deals.

Well, when we look at the history of Christmas as a holiday, we realize that it has been a day and season to remember Jesus' birth. The thing is not just about remembering, but more on how you remember and celebrate it.

The nativity story is found only in two books in the bible: Matthew and Luke. There you find the historical facts around the birth of the one who would save us all and the world. Of course, as you read the beginnings of these two books, you will come accross the three wise men who bring gifts for the baby Jesus. It is not a bad idea to exchange gifts around Christmas.

However, there are three reasons why Christmas should really be a time for celebration:
1. God's Providence
2. God's Presence
3. God's Provision

Mary was a young lady who got engaged to Joseph for marriage. As they were waiting for the wedding day according to the Jewish tradition, she found out that she was with child. Actually an angel had told her before it happened. Mary disclosed the whole thing to Joseph, her fiance, who thought of dismissing her in secret so that she might face the consequences of such a situation from the community. He wanted this to take place in a way Mary would not be banned from the society or even stoned.

God who had planned all these thing spoke to Joseph before he did what he had thought about. In a dream, an angel from the Lord told Joseph to take Mary as his wife and that God was in charge of the whole situation. Friends, this is God's Providence. God knew all about these things. Before even Mary and Joseph met, their Maker had already set them aside for this specific situation.

How many times, we think we are in control, and then find out that something has just happened, and of which we did not think? God knows every detail of our lives. Every single event and second of our lives are all very important in God's planning about who we are. Don't we share the same human experiences with Mary and Joseph?

They were worried, scared and troubled? Even in the midst of our fears, God is still able to speak to us, like He did with Joseph and Marry. Remember that the nativity story the phrases keep coming back from the angel: "do not be afraid." Why don't have to be afraid? The answer is that God knows all about what is going on in our lives. Is this not a reason to celebrate Christmas? We worship a God who knew us before even we were born. When we were not formed yet in our mothers' wombs, God knew all of us by our name. What's a blessing to worship and serve a God who holds us all in His hands?

Not that God knew everything that was going on in Joseph and Mary's lives, but He was present with them. God walked with them from Nazareth to Bethlehem. God was watching over them. When Joseph planned to dismiss Mary quietly, God knew about it and asked Joseph not to do it. When Jesus was born, God sent His angels to announce to the shepherds about this great news. God's guiding and sustaining power is with us all life long. When we walk through hard times, we are not alone. There is always a hand stretched out to us in order to lift us up from any challenging situation. We celebrate Christmas for the reason that God is present with us. Jesus is God revealed to humanity.

When Jesus was born on that day, the news was so great that no one was supposed to be quiet in heaven or on earth. Angels were all over spreading the news. It was the news of salvation, reconciliation and celebration. It was the news that the Messiah is now with us. Friends, not only God is present with us, but God also provides. The Christmas story was not just about Jesus and his parents. People came from all over and from various social classes. The wise men from different parts of the world, the shepherds from different fields and angels. There could be even be more than just these. You will notice as you read the story that even when there was no room in the Inn, God provided a place for Jesus to be born in.

The manger (stable) was the perfect and right place for where the Messiah was born. Then people together with angels came to celebrate. What an amazing event! God provided a place and a community for the prophecies about the Messiah to be fulfilled. We celebrate Christmas because of God's provision. In the Western tradition, when it comes to exchanging gifts, we should perhaps give thanks for this provision. We are able to go and shop for these to give out to friends and family. What a blessing for which we should be thankful!

Friends, as we approach Christmas, please consider celebrating this day for:
1. God's Providence
2. God's Presence
3. God's Provision.

Merry Christmas to you, your family and friends!
