Zeal of your house will consume me

Have you ever read the story about Jesus cleansing the temple? You will find in John 2: 13-23. There is a statement that I would like you to ponder for a moment: "zeal of your house will consume me." Interesting, isn't it? The disciples are the ones who remembered this scripture from the Old Testament (Psalm 69: 9). Jesus was upset with what was going on in the temple. He overturned the tables of money changers and asked them to take all the things out of there.
Do you remember a moment in your life when you felt like nothing or nobody could stop you from doing something? Have you ever felt like some boiling water, and which pushes you to do something? I guess that's very similar to what Jesus felt even though it was for a different purpose. Like the disciples said, Jesus was consumed with zeal, which made him do what he did.
Are you consumed with zeal for God? Do you have an eagerness about church? Do you wait with anticipation for Sunday to come so that you go to church? Do you have an ardent interest in pursuit of your spiritual growth?
The church needs today that intense heat, which was in Jesus and later in his disciples. It is because of that we are now Christians. Zeal made them preach the Gospel, live out God's word and endure persecutions for the sake of God's kingdom. Nothing or nobody stopped them from bringing the Word of God to every creature and in every corner of the world.
You and I both need zeal, and we will get it if we ask for it from God. Can you do that?
Be blessed and always of good courage!
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