Great Harvest, but few workers

How do you feel about what you’re doing as a Christian? Is what you’re doing sacrificial that you can claim that you’re giving up something for the sake of God’s kingdom? What makes you happy about the type of ministry work you’re in right now?
One of my favorite verses since when I was a youth is Matthew 9: 37: “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few?” This scripture first brought me an understanding that anything I do in church is God’s stuff. It then created some urgency in my life about the mission of the church. I began to feel that every new day is as if it was the only day I had to do God’s work.
Also, I learned that Jesus here is not only talking to the twelve apostles, but to his disciples, which included other men and women. In other words and based on another version (Bible in Basic English), “there is much grain but not enough man (people) to get it in.” Not only this is an urgent mission, but it needs as many people as possible, everyone in the church is needed to be in the field. Lastly, I discovered that I should be intentional about taking in the grain. If I didn’t do it noone else would. That was my principle.
What if all of us, as community of believers, could respond to God’s calling as it is in Matthew 9: 37 and begin to take in all the grain from the harvest? What if we could all experience the urgency of God’s mission and intentionally jump into some ministry around us, not only because someone had told us about it on the phone, but because God is calling us for a specific ministry area?
Be blessed and always of good courage!